Mobile technology has triggered a huge shift in work culture that is still evolving every day. With whole businesses finding themselves unchained from the shackles of the traditional office, the way we view and do our work has changed in a myriad of ways. Many businesses are favouring these changes, with companies working towards IT infrastructures built around the cloud to ensure their workers have access to work at all times and places. Other businesses are still uncertain about these developments. Designing and implementing a mobility plan is a big undertaking, so a lot of research is needed before committing to anything. If you’re considering making your business more mobile, there are a few benefits and drawbacks that are well worth your consideration.
This is something that every customer looks for in a business. If customers have 24/7 access to what you have to offer, you have the opportunity to sell yourself 24/7. Your business can be live at any time and place, maximising your visibility and emphasising your availability to those viewing your business. Having constant access to your workers, no matter how remote they are, will also help to improve productivity because their production levels aren’t reliant on whether they’re in the office or not.
Mobility grants employees the luxury of taking control of their own workday. Thanks to the ability to work outside of the office, staff can organise their hours around important appointments, school runs, and any number of other circumstances. Because of this freedom, many employees seek positions with companies that have mobile options. Being able to take control in this way is useful because employees know when they’re at their most productive, so they can capitalise on this and order their schedules for you.
Work and Play?
Mobile technology has blurred the line between work and rest like never before. Mobility has been celebrated for creating flexible work environments for employees, but it’s important to note that working hours have been growing concurrently. The ease at which people can tap into work on their laptops and phones has encouraged a culture of obsessive email checking and second glances at projects outside of work. This isn’t healthy because the brain needs to unwind after a long day in order to recuperate and rest.
Mobility is becoming more flexible and accessible every day, but with these improvements come vulnerabilities. Cyber-threats are becoming increasingly common, which is an especially worrying risk to any business handling sensitive data. When looking at mobility options, security is the foremost issue that needs to be addressed and planned for. It is entirely possible to have a safe, secure mobile solution, but it takes a lot of planning.
There are many more considerations that need to be taken into account, but these aspects of mobility are some of the most common benefits and problems that businesses experience. To get the full scope of how mobility could affect your business, it’s best to discuss your options with mobility consultants or providers. Planning – both financially and strategically, is essential to execute the perfect mobility system for your business.
Ana Klein
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Tags: Mobility, Technology